Design a melting Strawberry

This tutorial we will learn how to design a strawberry and make it melt. We will start and end with all the details done using filters and some done manually.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

Open a document 400×400 px with black background.

Draw a circle around 280px -300 px radius.%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

Reshape the ellipse as below by using the path selection tool in the tool menu.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

Apply bevel and inner shadow.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

Create a pattern. open a document 25px X25px. In the center draw a ellipse. Give a pattern color #f7941d and Define as a pattern from the edit menu. You can give the color later also from the blending options.

Create a new layer and fill it with the pattern.

Rotate the pattern at 45 degree.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

From the transform menu, use warp and shape it like a strawberry. The dots at the center will be bigger than the edge ones. That makes the depth.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

Select the pattern layer and and ctrl click the strawberry layer. Invert the selection (crtl+i). Hit delete button to delete the unwanted texture.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

Apply bevel with the settings.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

Create some highlight manually. Draw a shape as below.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

Apply Gaussian blur from the filter menu. Change the radius pixel to 8.6. and blending options to overlay.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

Now lets make the sepal and stem.

To make the sepal first draw a half shape like below with #3f6a01 filled.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

Duplicate the layer and join together to make a leaf appearance.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

Select the layer and change the foreground color to #61941b and background color to 3f6903. Now apply fiber filter (filter > Render > Fiber). The result will be like this below.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

Go to surface blur filter and change the radius to 8 and threshold to 10.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

Now to shape it, apply warp from the transform menu. Try to keep the edges pointed as below.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

Duplicate 7-8 layers. Rotate and arrange it till it becomes a full circle.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

Merge all the layers and cut the the excess part which exceeds the center.

Create a new layer and make an ellipse as below .

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

Apply Gaussian filter so that the center part color merges with the sepals.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

Make a stalk, draw a shape like below.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

Apply gradient and inner shadow.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

The results are shown below.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

If you don’t want to add the gradient it will look like this.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

End result of the Strawberry.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

To make a melting effect merge the layers

Go to Liquify filter and make the brush size to 80, density 50 and pressure 100.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

Slowly drag down the brush on the strawberry image. You can see the strawberry behaves like elastic. Stop to the desired place. Repeat with smaller brush to make the same effect.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

Draw a drop shape with long tail and apply gradient as below.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

Merge the layers and smudge it so that it blends softly with the edges. Apply a highlight as done for the strawberry above.

%photoshop Design a melting Strawberry in photoshop

Hope you will make modifications and make a more better.


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