Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

Text Effects are very popular and anyone can use this on their works an reuse it in many medias, once you understand the technique. In this tutorial we will make a molten text effect surrounded by red bed of blazed mountains.

The final rendered lava Text effect.

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

To start we need 2 stock photos.

1. A molten rock picture and 2. a volcano picture. (shown below)

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

First, we  will select the light blue sky on top  with a a magic wand.

Hit the delete key to make the selection empty. Use pen tool if precision is required.

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

Add New Sky.

Change the default foreground and background color with the values given below.

Create a new layer .

Fill the layer with foreground color.

Goto the Filter Menu > Render > and select Difference Cloud.

When applied you may not get the exact result. Don’t worry. Press Crtl+F  few  times. Now you can see the clouds. Do some experiment to get a nice cloud which suites the environment.

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

Place the layer at the back.

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

Change the levels  (Ctrl+ L) of the volcano picture to give more darker levels.

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

Duplicate the cloud layer and place it before the volcano layer.

Change the layer blending option to Exclusion.

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

In the center of the cloud layer, where the glow is, make a  shape with the marquee tool as below. Keep the bottom edges precise.

Apply feathering to 15. Hit delete to remove the selected area.

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

The result will be like this.

Now we have a red glowing blazing mountain and in the center boiling lava.

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

Lets type some text. Here I have used Arno Pro font , 150px with red color. ( color we will be changing so it not important )

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

Apply the following styles on the text.

1. Pattern Overlay with the selected one shown below.

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

2. Color Overlay.

Change the default color to #fb9300.

Change the blend mode to Multiply.

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

3. Innerglow.

Blend mode should be Color Dodge.

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

4. Outer glow

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

The result will be as below.

Now copy the molten rock picture paste it in a new layer. Type the same text as entered above “LAVA”

You can use Ctrl+ Click  on the layer  or  - Click the  Type Text  Tool. In the fly out you can see the horizontal type text .

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

Invert  the selection (Ctrl + Shift + I ).

Hit the delete key to remove the unwanted area.

Place it exactly below the Typed Layer .

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

Rasterize the layer “LAVA” text.

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

Select the rectangular marquee tool and make a rectangle as below.

Apply feather (Alt + Crtl + D) from the menu.

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

Hit the delete button to remove the bottom selected part of the text.

The bottom layer is now visible.

Move the text layer 3 pixel down and towards right.

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

Lets now create a  melting text. For that once again make a new layer of Molten rock image.

Apply feather the top part as we did it for the text. Hit delete to remove the area.

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

Place it exactly below the text. Move it closer to the text layer where the blending matches.

Now we have got a nice blending of text with the molten rock.

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

Delete the unwanted areas using brush eraser or marquee tool.

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

Select Eraser from the tool and change the  mode to brush.

Using a soft brush make some spaces between text by erasing.

Blue ellipse marked with “E” are to erase the molten from these places.

%photoshop Create a Blazing Lava Text Effect in Photoshop

Hope You Enjoyed it and will try to apply it in your works.


End results will be like this.


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